Recent content by Duke Groundrunner

  1. Duke Groundrunner

    Signups Closed RBY OU Qualifier 2 [Signups]

    Gmt -6 Duke groundrunner Joahdrake#0143
  2. Duke Groundrunner


    Oceans by John Butler is my go to. 12 minutes of acoustic goodness to get me settled in. Then kick it up with somthing like enter shikari or polyphia. If I make it for longer than that I get weird with Reggie Watts or some folk tunes or modern folk inspired bands
  3. Duke Groundrunner

    RBY OU RBY OU Discussion

    Yep... Just got stiffed on the ladder by a Gengar. Spent 200 turns trying to get around it. I had a reflect hyper beam lax. Couldn't pressure Chansey at all until Gengar was dealt with. Couldnt hurt anything actually. Our snorlaxs danced around each other and rested. It was one of those matches...
  4. Duke Groundrunner


    Was about to come up in here and recommend thank you scientists. One not on your list... Polyphia. Holy bass lines battman!
  5. Duke Groundrunner

    RBY OU RBY OU Discussion

    I think some of the archetypal teams still stand strong. Zam star and 4. Star zap and 4. Zam Lapras and 4. I think star don and 4 will continue to fade away. In order to get around inevitably running into Vic with starmie+don we will have to drop at least 1 big 4 in the team build for an...
  6. Duke Groundrunner

    RBY OU RBY OU Discussion

    When I make a new team I always run through a checklist of things that can can run amok if there is no check. 1. Wrappers. - Either the ghost, a fast mon as a 6th: Star, zam, jolt, or a rock to eat up all the wraps pp. The last of which is my absolute least favorite. 2. Ice wars- an ice type...
  7. Duke Groundrunner

    Hey man we are paired for the rby qualifier. I am gmt -6. I'm free pretty much all day today...

    Hey man we are paired for the rby qualifier. I am gmt -6. I'm free pretty much all day today, but couldn't seem to find you on discord.
  8. Duke Groundrunner

    What my friends and I argued about in 3rd grade

    Typhlosion is better. I'll fight you
  9. Duke Groundrunner

    Signups Closed RBY OU Qualifier 1 [Signups]

    Smogon: Duke Groundrunner Gmt -6 Discord: JoahTheBroah#0143
  10. Duke Groundrunner

    What my friends and I argued about in 3rd grade

    I always though entei looked like a lion. Until someone brought up that he could pass as a saint Bernard. (Sp?) Now I can see both. Raikou is for sure a sabertooth cat. Suicune... Wolf I guess. Still people insist they are legendary dogs
  11. Duke Groundrunner

    What my friends and I argued about in 3rd grade

    Eevee is a fox. I'll fight you on this.
  12. Duke Groundrunner

    RBY RBY OU (why not Stadium mechanics?)

    Lol I remember there being a freeze/sleep clause for sure in stadium. It was in the various cup challenges I.e. Petit cup. Prime cup. All of that. There was also a no exploding on the last remaining pokemon clause. I don't know if the same rules carried over for pvp but in stadium 1 it was...
  13. Duke Groundrunner

    RBY OU Blizzard ban on Tauros?

    Tauros is still the best physical sweeper in the game with just 3 moveslots. I can't think of anything that could take his place. Blizzard just nudges it into the absurd category. I believe it even shrinks the 1U roster by a few mons. Even with no blizzard there is still fireblast that could...
  14. Duke Groundrunner

    Random Origin stories

    Don't forget your favorite pokemon dudes